WhiteHat Hacking Tutorials

by Cyber Octet


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Whitebook is a growing community of White Hat Hackers or so Called the Security Professionals, We Be...

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Whitebook is a growing community of White Hat Hackers or so Called the Security Professionals, We Begin with tutorials and Techniques to become a Security Professional and Later Will Grow as a Community where with jobs updates, Project updates, Support and every thing related to Cyber Security to our user.You can become a whitehat Hacker or Say a Security Professional by learning from our WhiteBook Tutorials, It Contains following Topics:
1) Hacking Basics - Introduction to Hacking, Basic Concept of IT, Concept of Security, Introduction to Networking, Foot Printing.
2) Common Hacking Tuts - Google Hacking Database, windows Hacking and Security, Linux Hacking and Security, Virus, Worms and Trojans, DOS and DDOS, Sniffers, Network Hacking, Social Engineering, Physical Security, Cryptography and Stenography, WI-FI hacking, FireWall and IDS/IPS.
3) Vulnerabilities - Vulnerability Scanning, Vulnerability Research, Web Penetration Testing, Network Penetration Testing, Server Penetration Testing and More Coming Soon,
4) Security Standards ( Beta) - Security Standards and Principles, OWSAP Top 10 Vulnerability, OSSTMM, SANS TOP 25 Vulnerabilities. ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving an Overview in this module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)
5) Exploits And Exploitation - Assembly Language, Exploit Writing, Buffer Overflow, Reverse Engineering, Exploit Frameworks
6) BackTrack - Introduction to BackTrack, BackTrack Methodology, Information Gathering, Vulnerability Assessment, Exploitation Using BT.
7) Advance Tools - Acunetix, IBM App Scanner, Net Sparker, Vega, Burp Suite, W3AF, OWASP ZED Proxy, Aarachini, NMAP, Maltego, Dark Comet, WireShark.
8) Cyber Forensics - Hacking Incidents, Doing Forensics, Data Recovery and Analysis, Understanding Anti Forensics, Cyber Crime Investigations ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving an Overview in this Module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)
9) Security Management - Information Security Management, Policies and Documentations
10) Tips and Tricks - Facebook hacking, Tips and Tricks, Mobile Tips and Tricks, List Sites You should not Scan.
Security is a vast field and have several verticals, if you need and other tutorials or have suggestions, We would love to here it. We will Grow with the Best Tutorials and Content,
We are also Looking for Enthusiast Professionals, who can Join part time to Contribute to this Growing Community.
Content Creator and Mentor -Falgun Rathod - Managing Director at Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd. and Leading Cyber Security Consultant http://www.falgunrathod.in
Disclaimers: The Information Provided on this Application is to be used for educational purpose only. The Website/Application Creator is in no way responsible for misuse of the information provided. All the Information in this Whitebook Application is meant to help the reader develop a Professional Security Attitude in order to prevent the attacks Discussed. In no way should you use the information to cause any kind of damage directly or indirectly. You Implement the information given at your own Risk.